Plan your work. Work your plan.

CMIT Solutions Project Management Process

At CMIT Solutions, we like to plan our work and work our plan. In small business, you need just enough planning to get the job done correctly without choking everyone in paperwork. For more complex projects, we’re happy to dust off our PMP certifications.

In our local office, we rely on the following steps:

  1. We meet with you to identify your needs
  2. We craft a work plan that meets your needs and schedule constraints
  3. We’ll review the plan, identify checkpoints, and start to work on your command.
  4. At each checkpoint, we will review our progress, make adjustments to the plan if needed, and march to success.

Whether you are moving your office, refreshing your technology, adding the cloud to your existing on-premise computing or doing any type of project, we have a process to manage the work so we finish your project on-time and within budget.

The job isn't finished unless the paperwork is complete.

We’ve managed some tough projects. Even come in behind another service provider that left before the job was finished. That’s why managing to the plan is paramount. Go ahead. Ask us what “done” really means.

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Providing IT Services and Support for Sugar Land / Houston, TX


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